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Journal Articles

Mitra, A.V. Bancroft, E.K. Barbachano, Y. Page, E.C. Foster, C.S. Jameson, C. Mitchell, G. Lindeman, G.J. Stapleton, A. Suthers, G. Evans, D.G. Cruger, D. Blanco, I. Mercer, C. Kirk, J. Maehle, L. Hodgson, S. Walker, L. Izatt, L. Douglas, F. Tucker, K. Dorkins, H. Clowes, V. Male, A. Donaldson, A. Brewer, C. Doherty, R. Bulman, B. Osther, P.J. Salinas, M. Eccles, D. Axcrona, K. Jobson, I. Newcombe, B. Cybulski, C. Rubinstein, W.S. Buys, S. Townshend, S. Friedman, E. Domchek, S. Ramon Y Cajal, T. Spigelman, A. Teo, S.H. Nicolai, N. Aaronson, N. Ardern-Jones, A. Bangma, C. Dearnaley, D. Eyfjord, J. Falconer, A. Grönberg, H. Hamdy, F. Johannsson, O. Khoo, V. Kote-Jarai, Z. Lilja, H. Lubinski, J. Melia, J. Moynihan, C. Peock, S. Rennert, G. Schröder, F. Sibley, P. Suri, M. Wilson, P. Bignon, Y.J. Strom, S. Tischkowitz, M. Liljegren, A. Ilencikova, D. Abele, A. Kyriacou, K. van Asperen, C. Kiemeney, L. IMPACT Study Collaborators, Easton, D.F. Eeles, R.A. (2011). Targeted prostate cancer screening in men with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 detects aggressive prostate cancer: preliminary analysis of the results of the IMPACT study. Bju int, Vol.107 (1), pp. 28-39.  show abstract  full text

Kote-Jarai, Z. Olama, A.A. Giles, G.G. Severi, G. Schleutker, J. Weischer, M. Campa, D. Riboli, E. Key, T. Gronberg, H. Hunter, D.J. Kraft, P. Thun, M.J. Ingles, S. Chanock, S. Albanes, D. Hayes, R.B. Neal, D.E. Hamdy, F.C. Donovan, J.L. Pharoah, P. Schumacher, F. Henderson, B.E. Stanford, J.L. Ostrander, E.A. Sorensen, K.D. Dörk, T. Andriole, G. Dickinson, J.L. Cybulski, C. Lubinski, J. Spurdle, A. Clements, J.A. Chambers, S. Aitken, J. Gardiner, R.A. Thibodeau, S.N. Schaid, D. John, E.M. Maier, C. Vogel, W. Cooney, K.A. Park, J.Y. Cannon-Albright, L. Brenner, H. Habuchi, T. Zhang, H.-. Lu, Y.-. Kaneva, R. Muir, K. Benlloch, S. Leongamornlert, D.A. Saunders, E.J. Tymrakiewicz, M. Mahmud, N. Guy, M. O'Brien, L.T. Wilkinson, R.A. Hall, A.L. Sawyer, E.J. Dadaev, T. Morrison, J. Dearnaley, D.P. Horwich, A. Huddart, R.A. Khoo, V.S. Parker, C.C. Van As, N. Woodhouse, C.J. Thompson, A. Christmas, T. Ogden, C. Cooper, C.S. Lophatonanon, A. Southey, M.C. Hopper, J.L. English, D.R. Wahlfors, T. Tammela, T.L. Klarskov, P. Nordestgaard, B.G. Røder, M.A. Tybjærg-Hansen, A. Bojesen, S.E. Travis, R. Canzian, F. Kaaks, R. Wiklund, F. Aly, M. Lindstrom, S. Diver, W.R. Gapstur, S. Stern, M.C. Corral, R. Virtamo, J. Cox, A. Haiman, C.A. Le Marchand, L. Fitzgerald, L. Kolb, S. Kwon, E.M. Karyadi, D.M. Orntoft, T.F. Borre, M. Meyer, A. Serth, J. Yeager, M. Berndt, S.I. Marthick, J.R. Patterson, B. Wokolorczyk, D. Batra, J. Lose, F. McDonnell, S.K. Joshi, A.D. Shahabi, A. Rinckleb, A.E. Ray, A. Sellers, T.A. Lin, H.-. Stephenson, R.A. Farnham, J. Muller, H. Rothenbacher, D. Tsuchiya, N. Narita, S. Cao, G.-. Slavov, C. Mitev, V. Easton, D.F. Eeles, R.A. UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology, UK ProtecT Study Collaborators, The Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource, PRACTICAL Consortium, (2011). Seven prostate cancer susceptibility loci identified by a multi-stage genome-wide association study. Nat genet, Vol.43 (8), pp. 785-791.  show abstract  full text

Edwards, S.M. Evans, D.G. Hope, Q. Norman, A.R. Barbachano, Y. Bullock, S. Kote-Jarai, Z. Meitz, J. Falconer, A. Osin, P. Fisher, C. Guy, M. Jhavar, S.G. Hall, A.L. O'Brien, L.T. Gehr-Swain, B.N. Wilkinson, R.A. Forrest, M.S. Dearnaley, D.P. Ardern-Jones, A.T. Page, E.C. Easton, D.F. Eeles, R.A. UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators and BAUS Section of Oncology, (2010). Prostate cancer in BRCA2 germline mutation carriers is associated with poorer prognosis. Br j cancer, Vol.103 (6), pp. 918-924.  show abstract

Al Olama, A.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Giles, G.G. Guy, M. Morrison, J. Severi, G. Leongamornlert, D.A. Tymrakiewicz, M. Jhavar, S. Saunders, E. Hopper, J.L. Southey, M.C. Muir, K.R. English, D.R. Dearnaley, D.P. Ardern-Jones, A.T. Hall, A.L. O'Brien, L.T. Wilkinson, R.A. Sawyer, E. Lophatananon, A. UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology, UK Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment study (ProtecT Study) Collaborators, Horwich, A. Huddart, R.A. Khoo, V.S. Parker, C.C. Woodhouse, C.J. Thompson, A. Christmas, T. Ogden, C. Cooper, C. Donovan, J.L. Hamdy, F.C. Neal, D.E. Eeles, R.A. Easton, D.F. (2009). Multiple loci on 8q24 associated with prostate cancer susceptibility. Nat genet, Vol.41 (10), pp. 1058-1060.  show abstract

Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Al Olama, A.A. Giles, G.G. Guy, M. Severi, G. Muir, K. Hopper, J.L. Henderson, B.E. Haiman, C.A. Schleutker, J. Hamdy, F.C. Neal, D.E. Donovan, J.L. Stanford, J.L. Ostrander, E.A. Ingles, S.A. John, E.M. Thibodeau, S.N. Schaid, D. Park, J.Y. Spurdle, A. Clements, J. Dickinson, J.L. Maier, C. Vogel, W. Dörk, T. Rebbeck, T.R. Cooney, K.A. Cannon-Albright, L. Chappuis, P.O. Hutter, P. Zeegers, M. Kaneva, R. Zhang, H.-. Lu, Y.-. Foulkes, W.D. English, D.R. Leongamornlert, D.A. Tymrakiewicz, M. Morrison, J. Ardern-Jones, A.T. Hall, A.L. O'Brien, L.T. Wilkinson, R.A. Saunders, E.J. Page, E.C. Sawyer, E.J. Edwards, S.M. Dearnaley, D.P. Horwich, A. Huddart, R.A. Khoo, V.S. Parker, C.C. Van As, N. Woodhouse, C.J. Thompson, A. Christmas, T. Ogden, C. Cooper, C.S. Southey, M.C. Lophatananon, A. Liu, J.-. Kolonel, L.N. Le Marchand, L. Wahlfors, T. Tammela, T.L. Auvinen, A. Lewis, S.J. Cox, A. FitzGerald, L.M. Koopmeiners, J.S. Karyadi, D.M. Kwon, E.M. Stern, M.C. Corral, R. Joshi, A.D. Shahabi, A. McDonnell, S.K. Sellers, T.A. Pow-Sang, J. Chambers, S. Aitken, J. Gardiner, R.A. Batra, J. Kedda, M.A. Lose, F. Polanowski, A. Patterson, B. Serth, J. Meyer, A. Luedeke, M. Stefflova, K. Ray, A.M. Lange, E.M. Farnham, J. Khan, H. Slavov, C. Mitkova, A. Cao, G. UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology, UK ProtecT Study Collaborators, PRACTICAL Consortium, Easton, D.F. (2009). Identification of seven new prostate cancer susceptibility loci through a genome-wide association study. Nat genet, Vol.41 (10), pp. 1116-1121.  show abstract  full text

Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Giles, G.G. Olama, A.A. Guy, M. Jugurnauth, S.K. Mulholland, S. Leongamornlert, D.A. Edwards, S.M. Morrison, J. Field, H.I. Southey, M.C. Severi, G. Donovan, J.L. Hamdy, F.C. Dearnaley, D.P. Muir, K.R. Smith, C. Bagnato, M. Ardern-Jones, A.T. Hall, A.L. O'Brien, L.T. Gehr-Swain, B.N. Wilkinson, R.A. Cox, A. Lewis, S. Brown, P.M. Jhavar, S.G. Tymrakiewicz, M. Lophatananon, A. Bryant, S.L. UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators, British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology, UK ProtecT Study Collaborators, Horwich, A. Huddart, R.A. Khoo, V.S. Parker, C.C. Woodhouse, C.J. Thompson, A. Christmas, T. Ogden, C. Fisher, C. Jamieson, C. Cooper, C.S. English, D.R. Hopper, J.L. Neal, D.E. Easton, D.F. (2008). Multiple newly identified loci associated with prostate cancer susceptibility. Nat genet, Vol.40 (3), pp. 316-321.  show abstract